
FourierAnalysis estimates coherence both in the frequency domain, in this unit, and in the time-frequency domain, in unit timefrequencybi.jl.


The following notation will be used:

symbolmeaningJulia function
superscript $^*$complex conjugateconj()
superscript $^H$complex conjugate transpose'
$\mid \cdot \mid$modulusabs()
$\Bbb R(\cdot)$real part of the argumentreal()
$\Bbb C(\cdot)$imaginary part of the argumentimag()
$\left<\cdot\right>$an average across argument's elementsmean()

coherence estimates

frequency domain (FD)

In the FD, the input is a continuous multivariate data matrix $X=[x_1 ... x_n]$, where each column is a series (e.g., a time-series). Coherence estimates take the form of a $n$x$n$ coherence matrix $C(f)$ for each discrete Fourier frequency $f$. Those are normalized versions of the $n$x$n$ cross-spectral matrices $S(f)$ at corresponding frequencies.

Cross-spectral matrices are estimated via a Welch procedure, that is, they are averaged across windows sliding over $X$. The windows may be overlapping or not. Let $Y_l(f)$ be the discrete Fourier transform at discrete Fourier frequency $f$ of the $l^{th}$ window of $X$. The cross-spectral matrix estimation at frequency $f$ is then given by


where the average is taken across a number of sliding windows.

Therefore, coherence matrices in the FD is a measure of the synchronization between all $n$ series of $X$ taken pair-wise, resulting in a symmetric matrix for each discrete Fourier frequency.

time-frequency domain (TFD)

There exist many time-frequency representation, e.g., those obtained using wavelets, short-time Fourier transform, etc. In FourierAnalysis time-frequency representations are obtained passing a univariate signal through a filter bank and computing the analytic signal of the filter output via the Hilbert transform. This results in a matrix with the band-pass regions of the filer bank in rows and the $t$ time samples in columns (see filterbank and analyticsignal for details).

For estimating coherence in the TFD, the input is composed of two sets of $k$ univariate data vectors $𝐱_a=\{x_{a1}, x_{a2},...,x_{ak}\}$ and $𝐱_b=\{x_{b1}, x_{b2},...,x_{bk}\}$, where each element of the set is to be understood as a single window holding $t$ samples and where the elements in corresponding positions forms pairs. Let $Y_r(a)$ and $Y_r(b)$ be the time-frequency analytic signal of pairs $x_{ar}$, $x_{br}$, for all $r=1...k$. Coherence estimates also have a time-frequency representation. They are a normalized version of crossed analytic signals, which are analogous to cross-spectra and in a time-frequency plane are given by

$Z=\left<Y(a) \odot Y(b)^*\right>$,

where the average is taken across the $k$ pairs (realizations).

Therefore, the coherence matrix in the TFD is a measure of the synchronization between pairs $𝐱_a$, $𝐱_b$ for each point in the time-frequency plane.

kinds of coherence

FourierAnalysis estimates several kinds of linear and non-linear squared coherences, simply referred to as coherence. Let $i$ and $j$ indicate two time series, $\left<s_{ij}\right>$ be an average cross-spectrum between $i$ and $j$, and $\left<s_{i}\right>$, $\left<s_{j}\right>$ be the auto-spectrum of $i$ , $j$. In the frequency domain those are function of frequency, whereas in the time-frequency domain they are functions of both time and frequency.

Finally, for time-frequency data let $w$ denote non-negative weights normalized so that their average is 1. Those are weights for the pairs on which the averages are computed. Setting all weights equal to 1, gives the unweighted version of all measures, which is the only supported option in the FD, since therein the average is taken across windows and since windows segmentation is arbitrary, weighting is usually meaningless.

All kinds of coherences estimated in FourierAnalysis are summarized in the following table:

total$\left<w\mid s_{ij} \mid^2\right>\big /\left<ws_is_j\right>$$\left<w\mid s_{ij} \mid^2\right>$
real$\left<w\mid \Bbb R(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>\big/\left<ws_is_j\right>$$\left<w\mid \Bbb R(s_{ij})\mid^2\right>$
imaginary$\left<w\mid \Bbb C(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>\big/\left<ws_is_j\right>$$\left<w\mid \Bbb C(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>$
instantaneous$\left<w\mid \Bbb R(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>\big/\left<w(s_is_j-\mid \Bbb C(s_{ij}) \mid^2)\right>$$\left<w\mid \Bbb R(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>\big/\left<w(1-\mid \Bbb C(s_{ij}) \mid^2)\right>$
lagged$\left<w\mid \Bbb C(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>\big/\left<w(s_is_j-\mid \Bbb R(s_{ij}) \mid^2)\right>$$\left<w\mid \Bbb C(s_{ij}) \mid^2\right>\big/\left<w(1-\mid \Bbb R(s_{ij}) \mid^2)\right>$

The linear total coherence is the classical squared coherence measure and its non-linear counterpart is known as phase-locking value or phase coherence.

The real coherence (Pascual-Marqui, 2007) and the imaginary coherence (Nolte et al., 2004), sum up to the total coherence.

The lagged coherence has been proposed by Pascual-Marqui (2007). As a completion of the table, we here also define the instantaneous coherence in an analogous way.

Corresponding linear and non-linear measures are the same, but are computed on linear and non-linear cross-spectra in the FD and crossed analytic-signal in the TFD, respectively. In fact, the non-linear expressions are obtained setting $s_i=s_j=1$, which is the case for non-linear cross-spectra and analytic signals. See CrossSpectra and TFAnalyticSignal. For further explanations on the linearity of those objects, see Congedo (2018).

interpreting coherence

The real part of the cross-spectrum, named the co-spectrum, describes the synchronous synchronization, that is, in-phase synchronization or out-of-phase synchronization. The imaginary part, named the quadrature spectrum, describes the asynchronous synchronization, that is, with a quarter of a cycle lead or lag (see Congedo, 2018). Consequently,

  • the total coherence is sensitive to all kinds of synchronization,
  • the real coherence is sensitive only to synchronous synchronization,
  • the instantaneous coherence is sensitive to all but asynchronous synchronization,
  • the imaginary coherence is sensitive only to asynchronous synchronization,
  • the lagged coherence is sensitive to all but synchronous synchronization.


Categories: data objects, FDobjects

In the time-frequency domain coherence estimates are given as Julia $Matrix$ objects. In the frequency-domain they are encapsulated in the following structure:

struct Coherence
   <same fields of the CrossSpectra structure>

This object has the same structure of the CrossSpectra object, with the difference that its y data field holds real matrices, whereas for cross-spectra holds complex matrices.

By convention the diagonal elements of all FD coherence matrices are filled with 1.0. Note that the FFT coefficients for the DC level and the Nyquist frequency are real, therefore for those frequencies the identity matrix is returned for the imaginary and lagged coherence. Also, note that at these frequencies the instantaneous coherence is equal to the real coherence. In the time-frequency domain, we do not have discrete frequencies but a filter bank, thus no special behavior appears at the edges.

A vector of Coherence objects is of type CoherenceVector.

Methods for Coherence and CoherenceVector objects


Generic Constructors:

In order to construct a Coherence object in the frequency domain from multivariate data, FourierAnalysis provides two coherence constuctors from raw data and two constuctors building coherence matrices from CrossSpectra and CrossSpectraVector objects. Those are what you will use in practice most of the time.

Manual constructors are also possible, for which you have to provide appropriate arguments. Generic constructors follow exactly the same syntax as the generic constructors of CrossSpectra objects.

In order to estimate coherence in the time-frequency domain from sets of univariate data, FourierAnalysis provides two more coherence functions.

Constructors from data:

FourierAnalysis.coherence β€” Function
function coherence(π™Ž    :: CrossSpectra;
               allkinds :: Bool = false)

function coherence(𝓒    :: CrossSpectraVector;
               allkinds :: Bool = false,
               check    :: Bool = true)

function coherence(X  :: Matrix{T},
                   sr :: Int,
                   wl :: Int;
               tapering  :: Union{Taper, TaperKind} = harris4,
               planner   :: Planner                 = getplanner,
               slide     :: Int                     = 0,
               DC        :: Bool                    = false,
               nonlinear :: Bool                    = false,
               smoothing :: Smoother                = noSmoother,
               tril      :: Bool                    = false,
               allkinds  :: Bool                    = false,
               ⏩       :: Bool                    = true) where T<:Real

function coherence(𝐗 :: Vector{Matrix{T}},
              < same argument sr, ..., ⏩ of method (3) > where T<:Real

alias: coh


Construct a Coherence object from a CrossSpectra object, allowing coherence estimates using the Welch method. All non-data fields are copied from the cross-spectra object, i.e., all fields but y, which holds the coherence matrices that are computed by this function.

If π™Ž.tril is true, only the lower triangular part of the coherence matrices is computed and the matrices in y are LowerTriangular matrices, otherwise the full matrices are computed and y will hold Hermitian matrices (see LinearAlgebra).

If optional keyword argument allkinds is true, all five kinds of coherence are returned. In this case the output is a 5-tuple of Coherence objects, in the order:

  • total coherence,
  • real coherence,
  • instantaneous coherence
  • imaginary coherence,
  • lagged coherence.

If allkinds is false (default), only the total (classical) coherence is returned as a single Coherence object.


Construct a CoherenceVector object from the input CrossSpectraVector object 𝓒, allowing coherence estimates using the Welch method. This method calls method (1) for all objects in 𝓒.

The allkinds optional keyword parameter has the same meaning as in method (1). In this method if the argument is passed as true, the output is a 5-tuple of CoherenceVector objects.

If optional keyword argument check is true (default), it is checked that all CrossSpectra objects in 𝓒 have the same value in the `.sr, .wl, .DC, .taper, .nonlinear and .smoothing field. If this is not the case, an error message is printed pointing to the first field that is not identical in all objects and Nothing is returned.


Given a multivariate time series data matrix X of dimension $t$ x $n$, where $t$ is the number of samples (rows) and $n$ the number of time-series (columns), sampling rate sr and epoch length wl, compute the squared coherence matrices of X, that is, the coherence matrices at all Fourier discrete frequencies obtained from the Welch (sliding window) average cross-spectra.

optioal keyword arguments:

sr, wl, tapering, planner and slide have the same meaning as for the spectra function.

DC, nonlinear, smoothing, tril and ⏩ have the same meaning as for the crossSpectra function, to which they apply for estimating the cross-spectra.

The allkinds optional keyword parameter has the same meaning as in method (1).


Construct a CoherenceVector object from a vector of real multivariate data matrices. Compute the coherence matrices from the cross-spectral matrices estimated using the Welch method as per method (3) for all $k$ data matrices in 𝐗.

The $k$ matrices in 𝐗 must have the same number of columns (i.e., the same number of time-series), but may have any number of (at least wl) rows (samples). All other arguments have the same meaning as in method (3), with the following difference:

⏩: if true (default), the method is run in multi-threaded mode across the $k$ data matrices if $k$ is at least twice the number of threads Julia is instructed to use, otherwise this method attempts to run each coherence estimation in multi-threaded mode across series as per method (3). See Threads.

If a Planner is not explicitly passed as an argument, the FFTW plan is computed once and applied for all coherence estimations.

note for methods (1) and (3):

If tril is false (default), the output coherence object(s) is of type Array{Hermitian,1}, which is the ℍVector type used in package PosDefManifold. Since coherence estimates are symmetric positive definite, they can be straightaway used as argument to PosDefManifold's functions, e.g., for computing matrix moves on geodesics, matrix distances, etc. and the the whole vector output to compute matrix means, spectral embedding and more.

If tril is true, the output is of type Array{LowerTriangular,1}, which is the 𝕃Vector type used in PosDefManifold, that is, only the lower triangle of the coherencee is computed in order to save time and memory.

note for methods (2) and (4):

If tril is false, the output is of type Array{Array{Hermitian,1},1}, which is the ℍVectorβ‚‚ type used in PosDefManifold.

If tril is true, the output is of type Array{Array{LowerTriangular,1},1}, which is the 𝕃Vectorβ‚‚ type used in PosDefManifold.

See: crossspectra.jl, Spectra, Coherence.


## common code for methods (1)-(4)

using FourierAnalysis, LinearAlgebra

function generateSomeData(sr::Int, t::Int; noise::Real=1.)
    # four sinusoids of length t samples and sr sampling rate
    # peak amplitude: 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4
    # frequency:        5,   7,  13,  27
    # phase:            0, Ο€/4, Ο€/2,   Ο€
    v1=sinusoidal(0.7, 5,  sr, t, 0)
    v2=sinusoidal(0.6, 7,  sr, t, Ο€/4)
    v3=sinusoidal(0.5, 13, sr, t, Ο€/2)
    v4=sinusoidal(0.4, 27, sr, t, Ο€)
    return hcat(v1, v2, v3, v4) + (randn(t, 4)*noise)

sr, wl, t = 128, 512, 8192

# (1)

X=generateSomeData(sr, t) # multivariate data matrix 8192x4

# cross-spectra using default harris4 tapering window
S=crossSpectra(X, sr, wl)

# Only classical coherence

# All 5 kinds of coherence
Ctot, C2real, C3inst, C4imag, C5lag=coherence(S, allkinds=true);

# (2)

# generate 3 multivariate data matrices 8192x4
X=[generateSomeData(sr, t) for i=1:3]

# cross-spectra using default harris4 tapering window
S=crossSpectra(X, sr, wl)

# Only classical coherence

# All 5 kinds of coherence
Ctot, C2real, C3inst, C4imag, C5lag=coherence(S, allkinds=true);

# (3)

X=generateSomeData(sr, t) # multivariate data matrix 8192x4

# coherence using default harris4 tapering window
C=coherence(X, sr, wl)

# check the coherence matrix at frequency 5Hz
C.y[f2b(5, sr, wl)]

# coherence using hann tapering window
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=hann)

# using Slepian's multi-tapering
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=slepians(sr, wl))

# compute non-linear coherence (phase-locking value)
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=slepians(sr, wl), nonlinear=true)

# compute only the lower triangle of coherence matrices
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=slepians(sr, wl), tril=true)

# compute all five kinds of coherence
Ctot, Creal, Cinst, Cimag, Clag=coherence(X, sr, wl;
    tapering=slepians(sr, wl), tril=true, allkinds=true);

# smooth a-posteriori the coherence
C2=smooth(blackmanSmoother, C)

# or compute coherence already smoothed
C=coherence(X, sr, wl;
            tapering=slepians(sr, wl), tril=true, smoothing=blackmanSmoother)

# mean coherence matrix in 8Hz-12Hz range
M=mean(C, (8, 12)) # or also M=mean(C, (8.0, 12.0))

# extract all coherence matrices in 8Hz-12Hz range
E=extract(C, (8, 12))

# coherence matrices averaged in 2Hz band-pass regions
B=bands(C, 2)

# (4)

# generate 3 multivariate data matrices 8192x4
X=[generateSomeData(sr, t) for i=1:3]

# The examples here below use exactly the same syntax as method (3).
# However, since the input here is a vector of data matrices
# and not a single data matrix, the examples here below create a vector
# of the object created by the examples of method (3).
# For example:

# coherence using the default harris4 tapering window
# this creates a CoherenceVector object
C=coherence(X, sr, wl)

# check the first Coherence object

# check the coherence matrix at fr. 5Hz for the first Coherence object
C[1].y[f2b(5, sr, wl)]

# coherence using Hann tapering window
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=hann)

# using Slepian's multi-tapering
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=slepians(sr, wl))

# compute non-linear coherence
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=slepians(sr, wl), nonlinear=true)

# compute only the lower triangle of coherence matrices
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=slepians(sr, wl), tril=true)

# compute all five kinds of coherence
Ctot, Creal, Cinst, Cimag, Clag=coherence(X, sr, wl;
    tapering=slepians(sr, wl), tril=true, allkinds=true);

# smooth a-posteriori all coherence objects in S
C2=smooth(blackmanSmoother, C)

# or compute them all already smoothed
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; tapering=parzen, smoothing=blackmanSmoother)

# mean coherence matrix in 8Hz-12Hz range for all coherence objects
M=mean(C, (8, 12)) # or also M=mean(C, (8.0, 12.0))

# grand-average mean of the above across all Coherence objects
meanM=mean(mean(C, (8, 12)))

# extract all coherence matrices in 8Hz-12Hz range for all coherence objects
E=extract(C, (8, 12))

# grand average of coherence matrices in 8Hz-12Hz range for all coh. objects
meanE=mean(extract(C, (8, 12)))

# coherence matrices averaged in 2Hz band-pass regions for all coh. objects
B=bands(C, 2)

# Pre-compute a FFT planner and pass it as argument
# (this interesting if the function is to be called repeatedly).
plan=Planner(plan_exhaustive, 10.0, wl, eltype(X[1])) # wait 10s
C=coherence(X, sr, wl; planner=plan)

# how faster is this?
using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark(coherence(X, sr, wl))
@benchmark(coherence(X, sr, wl; planner=plan))
function coherence(𝐙₁     :: TFAnalyticSignalVector,
                   𝐙₂     :: TFAnalyticSignalVector,
                   frange :: fInterval,
                   trange :: tInterval;
              nonlinear :: Bool     = false,
              allkinds  :: Bool     = false,
              mode      :: Function = extract,
              func      :: Function = identity,
              w         :: Vector   = [],
              check     :: Bool     = true)

function coherence(𝐱₁        :: Vector{Vector{T}},
                   𝐱₂        :: Vector{Vector{T}},
                   sr        :: Int,
                   wl        :: Int,
                   frange    :: fInterval,
                   trange    :: tInterval,
                   bandwidth :: IntOrReal = 2;
              nonlinear  :: Bool         = false,
              allkinds   :: Bool         = false,
              mode       :: Function     = extract,
              func       :: Function     = identity,
              w          :: Vector       = [],
              filtkind   :: FilterDesign = Butterworth(2),
              fmin       :: IntOrReal    = bandwidth,
              fmax       :: IntOrReal    = srΓ·2,
              fsmoothing :: Smoother     = noSmoother,
              tsmoothing :: Smoother     = noSmoother,
              planner    :: Planner      = getplanner,
              ⏩        :: Bool         = true) where T<:Real

alias: coh

If optional keyword parameter nonlinear is false (default), estimate linear (weighted) coherence measure, otherwise estimate the the (weighted) phase concentration measure.

If optional keyword argument allkinds is true all five kinds of coherence are returned. In this case the output is a 5-tuple of Coherence matrices, in the order:

  • total coherence,
  • real coherence,
  • instantaneous coherence
  • imaginary coherence,
  • lagged coherence.

If allkinds is false (default) only the total (classical) coherence is returned as a single Coherence matrix.

(5) The desired measure is obtained averaging across the TFAnalyticSignal objects in 𝐙. Since this method uses pre-computed analytic signal objects, their .nonlinear field must agree with the nonlinear argument passed to this function.

frange, trange, w, mode and func have the same meaning as in the meanAmplitude function, however keep in mind that the two possible mode functions, i.e., extract and mean, in this function operate on complex numbers.

The checks performed in the meanAmplitude function are performed here too. In addition, if check is true, also check that

  • if nonlinear is true, all objects in 𝐙 are nonlinear;
  • if nonlinear is false, all objects in 𝐙 are linear.

If either check fails, print an error message and return Nothing.

(6) Estimate the analytic signal of all data vectors in 𝐱 calling the TFanalyticsignal constructor and then use method (5) to obtained the desired measure.

frange, trange, mode, func, w and check have the same meaning as in the meanAmplitude function. The other arguments are passed to the TFanalyticsignal constructor, to which the reader is referred for understanding their action.

See also: meanAmplitude, meanDirection, timefrequencybi.jl.

Examples: see the examples of comodulation function.



M. Congedo (2018), Non-Parametric Synchronization Measures used in EEG and MEG, Technical Report. GIPSA-lab, CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP.

G. Nolte et al. (2004), Identifying true brain interaction from EEG data using the imaginary part of coherency. Clin Neurophysiol, 115(10), 2292-307.

R. Pascual-Marqui (2007), Instantaneous and lagged measurements of linear and nonlinear dependence between groups of multivariate time series: frequency decomposition, arXiv:0711.1455.