
This is the main unit containing the PosDefManifold module (FourierAnalysis.jl).


standard Julia packagesexternal packages

The main module does not contains functions, but it declares all types and objects holding data (named data objects) used in all units.

data objects
tips & tricks



fInterval = Union{IntOrReal,Tuple{IntOrReal, IntOrReal}, Colon}

In several functions you are allowed to select a frequency range (in Hz). This can be

  • a single frequency (in Hz), given as an integer or a real number, e.g., 10,
  • a 2-tuple of integers or reals holding the lower and upper frequency limit (in Hz), e.g. (8, 10.5),
  • a colon, to indicate as usual in Julia all available frequencies.
Meaning of 'frequencies' in different domains

Frequency ranges are used as argument in the functions mean, extract, meanAmplitude, concentration, meanDirection, comodulation and coherence. They apply both to frequency domain and to time-frequency domain data. In the frequency domain, the frequencies are the Fourier discrete frequencies with resolution $sr/wl$, with or without the DC level in the first position, depending on how the object has been constructed. In the time-frequency domain, the frequencies actually are the center frequencies of the filter bank used for constructing the object. Thus, the actual frequencies actually contained in a given position depends on the bandwidth argument used to construct the oject. See filterbank.


tInterval = Union{Int, Tuple{Int, Int}, Colon}

In several functions you are allowed to select a time range (in samples). This can be

  • a single sample, given as an integer, e.g., 16,
  • a 2-tuple of integers holding the lower and upper time limit (in sampes), e.g. (1, 120),
  • a colon, to indicate as usual in Julia all available samples.

These ranges are used as argument in the same functions where fInterval ranges are used. Obviously, they apply only to time-frequency domain data.


@enum Smoother begin
    noSmoother       = 1
    hannSmoother     = 2
    hammingSmoother  = 3
    blackmanSmoother = 4

An instance of this type is requested by the smooth function, and as an optional keyword argument by several constructors. It apply both to objects created in the frequency domain and in the time-frequency domain.

  • noSmoother corresponds to no smoothing.
  • hannSmoother is the Hann smoothing window (3-points)
  • hammingSmoother is the Hamming smoothing window (3-points)
  • blackmanSmoother is the Blackman smoothing window (5-points)

See smooth for details on these windows.


A vector of Spectra objects.


A vector of CrossSpectra objects.


A vector of Coherence objects.


A vector of CoherenceVector objects.


A vector of TFAnalyticSignal objects.


A vector of TFAmplitude objects.


A vector of TFPhase objects.


An object in the frequency domain (FD), that is, the union of Spectra, CrossSpectra and Coherence objects.


A vector of objects in the frequency domain (FD), that is, the union of SpectraVector, CrossSpectraVector and CoherenceVector types.


An object in the time-frequency (TF) domain, that is, the union of TFAnalyticSignal, TFAmplitude, TFPhase objects.


A vector of objects in the time-frequency (TF) domain, that is, the union of TFAnalyticSignalVector, TFAmplitudeVector and TFPhaseVector types.

data objects

FourierAnalysis creates an operator object, the Planner, which is used to create FFTW plans for FFT computations, and several data objects. All of them are Julia structures. Data objects all have a corresponding vector type:

data objectsdomainvector type

For all data objects, FourierAnalysis overwrites the Julia function to display in the REPL relevant information about the name and value of the struct's fields in an easily-readable tabular form.

The field holding the data of all data objects is consistently named .y. As a summary, this is what .y holds in all data objects:

  • Taper: for all simple tapers, a real $t$-vector holding the tapering window. For Slepians tapers (multi-tapering), a real $t$x$h$ matrix where each column holds the tapering window for one of the $h$ Slepian tapering windows.

  • Spectra: a real $f$x$n$ matrix, where $f$ is the number of Fourier discrete frequencies and $n$ the number of time-series. Each column of y holds the spectrum for the corresponding time-series. In the case of one time-series only, y is a vector.

  • CrossSpectra: a $f$-vector of complex $n$x$n$ matrices where $f$ is the number of Fourier discrete frequencies and $n>1$ the number of time-series that have generated the cross-spectra. Each matrix is the cross-spectral matrix for the corresponding frequency.

  • Coherence: a $f$-vector of real $n$x$n$ matrices where $f$ is the number of Fourier discrete frequencies and $n>1$ the number of series that have generated the coherence. Each matrix is the coherence matrix for the corresponding frequency.

  • TFAnalyticSignal: a complex $f$x$t$ matrix, where $f$ is the number of band-pass regions of the filter bank used to generate the analytic signal and $t$ is the number of time samples (time-frequency representation).

  • TFAmplitude: a real $f$x$t$ matrix, where $f$ is the number of band-pass regions of the filter bank used to generate the amplitude and $t$ is the number of time samples (time-frequency representation).

  • TFPhase: a real $f$x$t$ matrix, where $f$ is the number of band-pass regins of the filter bank used to generate the phase and $t$ is the number of time samples (time-frequency representation).

tips & tricks

See recipes.jl for tips on how to plot tapering windows, spectra and time-frequency data.

By convention, the frequency dimension of data arrays in data objects is always the first dimension. For instance, the data of multivariate Spectra and of all time-frequency objects (TFobjects), that is, TFAnalyticSignal, TFAmplitude and TFPhase, is a matrix in which the first dimension unrolls frequencies. This is the case also for CrossSpectra and Coherence objects, which data is a vector of cross-spectral or coherence matrices across frequencies.

window length in FFTW

For effective use of the FFTW package, keep in mind that in FFTW the window length $wl$ does not need to be a power of two, however FFTW is best for window lengths of the form $2^a, 3^b, 5^c, 7^d, 11^e, 13^f$, where $e+f$ is either $0$ or $1$, and the other exponents are arbitrary.

derive your own time-frequency measures

All functions implemented in unit timefrequencyuni.jl and timefrequencybi.jl allow to compute time-frequency measures averaging across several analytic signal objects. For each analytic signal you can extract a time-frequency region passing with argument mode the extract function (default) or the average in such a region passing with argument mode the mean function.

Argument func allows you to apply any function to the extracted regions or means. Using this you can obtain a lot of new averaging procedures. As an example, suppose that you want to use the meanAmplitude of a TFAnalyticSignalVector object, but instead of the arithmetic mean of the amplitude you want to compute the geometric mean of the power. You will then pass as argument to the meanAmplitude function func=x->log.(x.^2) and take the exp. function of the output. It is as simple as that and works both using the mode=extract argument (default) or the mode=mean argument.


Some functions in FourierAnalysis calls BLAS routine implicitly via Julia. You can set the number of threads the BLAS library should use by:

using LinearAlgebra

where n is the number of threads. By default, FourierAnalysis reserves to BLAS all CPU threads available on your computer (given by the output of Sys.CPU_THREADS). The number of threads used by Julia for multi-threaded computations is given by the output of Threads.nthreads(). In Windows this latter number of threads is set to half the available threads. In Linux and OSX defaults to one and is controlled by an environment variable, i.e.,


In Linux, working with the Atom IDE, you also have to set to global the field found in Atom under Settings(or Preferences)/julia-client/Settings/Julia Options/Number of Threads.

In Windows, set the desired number of threads in the settings of the julia-client Juno package.

See this post, this post and julia doc on threads.

Notice that FourierAnalysis features many multi-threaded functions and these may allow a gain in computation time only if Julia is instructed to use at least two threads.