
This unit implements tools that are useful for building Riemannian and Euclidean machine learning classifiers.


tsMapproject data on a tangent space to apply Euclidean ML models therein
tsWeightsgenerator of weights for tagent space mapping
gen2ClassDatagenerate 2-class positive definite matrix data for testing Riemannian ML models
confusionMatConfusion matrix given true and predicted labels
predictAccprediction accuracy given true and predicted labels or a confusion matrix
predictErrprediction error given true and predicted labels or a confusion matrix
rescale!Rescale the rows of a real matrix to be in range [a, b]
function tsMap(	metric :: Metric,
		𝐏      :: ℍVector;
		w    	  :: Vector	= [],
		✓w   	  :: Bool = true,
		⏩   	 :: Bool = true,
		meanISR   :: Union{ℍ, Nothing}  = nothing,
		meanInit  :: Union{ℍ, Nothing}  = nothing,
		tol       :: Real               = 0.,
		transpose :: Bool   			 = true,
		vecRange  :: UnitRange          = 1:size(𝐏[1], 1))

The tangent space mapping of positive definite matrices $P_i$, i=1...k with mean G, once those points have been parallel transported to the identity matrix, is given by:

$S_i=\textrm{log}(G^{-1/2} P_i G^{-1/2})$.

Given a vector of k matrices 𝐏 flagged by julia as Hermitian, return a matrix X with such tangent vectors of the matrices in 𝐏 vectorized as per the vecP operation.

The mean G of the matrices in 𝐏 is found according to the specified metric, of type Metric. A natural choice is the Fisher metric. If the metric is Fisher, logdet0 or Wasserstein the mean is found with an iterative algorithm with tolerance given by optional keyword argument tol. By default tol is set by the function mean. For those iterative algorithms a particular initialization can be provided as an Hermitian matrix by optional keyword argument meanInit.

A set of k optional non-negative weights w can be provided for computing a weighted mean G, for any metrics. If w is non-empty and optional keyword argument ✓w is true (default), the weights are normalized so as to sum up to 1, otherwise they are used as they are passed and should be already normalized. This option is provided to allow calling this function repeatedly without normalizing the same weights vector each time.

If an Hermitian matrix is provided as optional keyword argument meanISR, then the mean G is not computed, intead this matrix is used directly in the formula as the inverse square root (ISR) $G^{-1/2}$. If meanISR is provided, arguments tol and meanInit have no effect whatsoever.

If meanISR is not provided, return the 2-tuple $(X, G^{-1/2})$, otherwise return only matrix X.

If an UnitRange is provided with the optional keyword argument vecRange, the vectorization concerns only the columns (or rows) of the matrices 𝐏 specified by the range.

If optional keyword argument transpose is true (default), X holds the k vectorized tangent vectors in its rows, otherwise they are arranged in its columns. The dimension of the rows in the former case and of the columns is the latter case is n(n+1)÷2 (integer division), where n is the size of the matrices in 𝐏, unless a vecRange spanning a subset of the columns or rows of the matrices in 𝐏 has been provided, in which case the dimension will be smaller. (see vecP ).

if optional keyword argument if true (default), the computation of the mean and the projection on the tangent space are multi-threaded. Multi-threading is automatically disabled if the number of threads Julia is instructed to use is <2 or <2k.


using PosDefManifoldML

# generate four random symmetric positive definite 3x3 matrices
Pset = randP(3, 4)

# project and vectorize in the tangent space
X, G⁻½ = tsMap(Fisher, Pset)

# X is a 4x6 matrix, where 6 is the size of the
# vectorized tangent vectors (n=3, n*(n+1)/2=6)

# If repeated calls have to be done, faster computations are obtained
# providing the inverse square root of the matrices in Pset, e.g.,
X1 = tsMap(Fisher, ℍVector(Pset[1:2]); meanISR = G⁻½)
X2 = tsMap(Fisher, ℍVector(Pset[3:4]); meanISR = G⁻½)

See: the ℍVector type.

function tsWeights(y::Vector{Int}; classWeights=[])

Given an IntVector of labels y, return a vector of weights summing up to 1 such that the overall weight is the same for all classes (balancing). This is useful for machine learning models in the tangent space with unbalanced classes for computing the mean, that is, the base point to map PD matrices onto the tangent space. For this mapping, giving equal weights to all observations actually overweights the larger classes and downweight the smaller classes.

Class labels for n classes must be the first n natural numbers, that is, 1 for class 1, 2 for class 2, etc. The labels in y can be provided in any order.

if a vector of n weights is specified as optional keyword argument classWeights, the overall weights for each class will be first balanced (see here above), then weighted by the classWeights. This allow user-defined control of weighting independently from the number of observations in each class. The weights in classWeights can be any integer or real non-negative numbers. The returned weight vector will nonetheless sum up to 1.

When you invoke the fit function for tangent space models you don't actually need this function, as you can invoke it implicitly passing symbol :balanced (or just :b) or a tuple with the class weights as optional keyword argument w.


# generate some data; the classes are unbalanced
PTr, PTe, yTr, yTe=gen2ClassData(10, 30, 40, 60, 80, 0.1)

# Fit an ENLR lasso model and find the best model by cross-validation
# balancing the weights for tangent space mapping
m=fit(ENLR(), PTr, yTr; w=tsWeights(yTr))

# A simpler syntax is
m=fit(ENLR(), PTr, yTr; w=:balanced)

# to balance the weights and then give overall weight 0.5 to class 1
# and 1.5 to class 2:
m=fit(ENLR(), PTr, yTr; w=(0.5, 1.5))

# which is equivalent to
m=fit(ENLR(), PTr, yTr; w=tsWeights(yTr; classWeights=(0.5, 1.5)))

This is how it works:

julia> y=[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2] 6-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 1 1 1 2 2

We want the four observations of class 1 to count as much as the two observations of class 2.

julia> tsWeights(y) 6-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25

i.e., 0.1254 = 1.252 and all weights sum up to 1

Now, suppose we want to give to class 2 a weight four times bigger as compared to class 1:

julia> tsWeights(y, classWeights=[1, 4]) 6-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.4 0.4

and, again, all weights sum up to 1

function gen2ClassData(n        ::  Int,
                       k1train  ::  Int,
                       k2train  ::  Int,
                       k1test   ::  Int,
                       k2test   ::  Int,
                       separation :: Real = 0.1)

Generate a training set of k1train+k2train and a test set of k1test+k2test symmetric positive definite matrices. All matrices have size nxn.

The training and test sets can be used to train and test any MLmodel.

separation is a coefficient determining how well the two classs are separable; the higher it is, the more separable the two classes are. It must be in [0, 1] and typically a value of 0.5 already determines complete separation.

Return a 4-tuple with

  • an ℍVector holding the k1train+k2train matrices in the training set,
  • an ℍVector holding the k1test+k2test matrices in the test set,
  • a vector holding the k1train+k2train labels (integers) corresponding to the matrices of the training set,
  • a vector holding the k1test+k2test labels corresponding to the matrices of the test set (1 for class 1 and 2 for class 2).


using PosDefManifoldML

PTr, PTe, yTr, yTe=gen2ClassData(10, 30, 40, 60, 80, 0.25)

# PTr=training set: 30 matrices for class 1 and 40 matrices for class 2
# PTe=testing set: 60 matrices for class 1 and 80 matrices for class 2
# all matrices are 10x10
# yTr=a vector of 70 labels for the training set
# yTe=a vector of 140 labels for the testing set
function confusionMat(yTrue::IntVector, yPred::IntVector)

Return the confusion matrix given integer vectors of true label yTrue and predicted labels yPred.

The length of yTrue and yPred must be equal. Furthermore, the yTrue vector must comprise all natural numbers in between 1 and z, where z is the number of classes.

The confusion matrix will have size zxz. It is computed starting from a matrix filled everywhere with zeros and adding, for each label, 1 at entry [i, j] of the matrix, where i is the true label and j the predicted label, and finally dividing the matrix by the sum of all its elements. Therefore, the entries of the confusion matrix sum up to 1.0.

See predict, predictAcc, predictErr.


using PosDefManifoldML
julia> confusionMat([1, 1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2])
# return: [0.6 0.0; 0.2 0.2]
function predictAcc(yTrue::IntVector, yPred::IntVector;
		scoring:: Symbol = :b,

function predictAcc(CM:: Matrix{R};
		scoring:: Symbol = :b,
		digits::Int=3) where R<:Real

Return the prediction accuracy as a proportion, that is, ∈[0, 1], given

  • (1) the integer vectors of true labels yTrue and of predicted labels yPred,
  • (2) a confusion matrix.

If scoring=:b (default) the balanced accuracy is computed. Any other value will make the function returning the regular accuracy. Balanced accuracy is to be preferred for unbalanced classes. For balanced classes the balanced accuracy reduces to the regular accuracy, therefore there is no point in using regular accuracy if not to avoid a few unnecessary computations when the class are balanced.

The error is rounded to the number of optional keyword argument digits, 3 by default.


The regular accuracy is given by sum of the diagonal elements of the confusion matrix.

For the balanced accuracy, the diagonal elements of the confusion matrix are divided by the respective row sums and their mean is taken.

See predict, predictErr, confusionMat


using PosDefManifoldML
julia> predictAcc([1, 1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2]; scoring=:a)
# regular accuracy, return: 0.8
julia> predictAcc([1, 1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2])
# balanced accuracy, return: 0.75
function predictErr(yTrue::IntVector, yPred::IntVector;
		scoring:: Symbol = :b,
function predictErr(CM:: Matrix{R};
		scoring:: Symbol = :b,
		digits::Int=3) where R<:Real

Return the complement of the predicted accuracy, that is, 1.0 minus the result of predictAcc, given

  • (1) the integer vectors of true labels yTrue and of predicted labels yPred,
  • (2) a confusion matrix.

See predictAcc.

function rescale!(X::Matrix{T},	bounds::Tuple=(-1, 1);
		dims::Int=1) where T<:Real

Rescale the columns or the rows of real matrix X to be in range [a, b], where a and b are the first and seconf elements of tuple bounds.

By default rescaling apply to the columns. Use dims=2 for rescaling the rows.

This function is used, for instance, by the SVM fit and predict functions.
